A couple weeks ago I wandered into a ridiculous Facebook debate about the 2000 Gore campaign, with the central hypothesis of the thread running "Al Gore lost his own state, therefore Nader voters in Florida were wholly irrelevant to the electoral outcome." This, I will...
reactionary vanity candidate Ralph Nader
Why should Scott have all the "trolling Naderite deadenders" fun? From Kurt Eichenwald: I have read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an.
The Man Who Gave Us Bush decides he hasn't disgraced himself quite enough in the last decade and decides to not only to suggest that Barack Obama is an "Uncle.
Mr. Ralph Nader -- in a good position to speak on such issues, having earned 0% of the votes of African American women in 2000 while successfully achieving his goal of handing the election to George W. Bush and all -- lectures Barack Obama for...
Reactionary vanity candidate Ralph Nader is apparently pleased enough with record of the man he put in the White House that he's running again in hopes that we can get.
I hate to go through this again, but we have a commenter trying to claim that Nader didn't throw the election to Bush:*All votes that Nader received in Florida would.