Black History Month is so exciting. I get so many emails from corporate entities talking about how they care about Black History Month. And then nothing ever changes in terms of actually doing something about the persistence of inequality in this country. The problem...
race and schools
Above: White Liberals When Confronted with School Integration I've been chewing over this long profile of what happens when you push white liberals to participate in desegregation efforts, in this.
This is the grave of Louise Day Hicks. Unfortunately born in 1916 in Boston, Louise Day Hicks would become the symbol of how northern whites were opposed to civil rights.
Mrs. Nettie Hunt, sitting on steps of Supreme Court, holding newspaper, explaining to her daughter Nikie the meaning of the Supreme Court's decision banning school segregation. Courtesy of Library of.
I mean, sure, white parents talk about how they think integration is a good thing. But they sure don't act on it, as this new report out of Harvard's Making.