Finally had a look at the 2010 QDR on the plane to New Orleans yesterday. I don’t mean to poke fun of our defense establishment’s hard work. I promise I’ll.
I have an article up at TAP on the QDR and the end of the Long War. I also have a couple of posts up at ID on the QDR,.
See Loomis.
While the 2006 QDR talked a bit about problems in acquisition and the need for acquisition reform, and a bit about the need to hire and retain the right skills.
This is odd, from page 20 of the QDR:Enhance domestic counter-lED capabilities: To better prepare the Department to support civil authorities seeking to counter potential threats from domestic improvised explosive.
References to the "Long War" in 2006 QDR: 31, not counting the 10 pages in the chapter titled "Fighting the Long War"References to the "Long War" in 2010 QDR: 0The.