This is the grave of William Bradford. Born in 1590 in Yorkshire, England, Bradford came from a fairly well off family, with roots back into the limey nobility. But that.
Hey, it's the anniversary of Charles I's demise at the hands of the Puritans, who was killed today in 1649. Whether it is coincidence that another annoying Brit, Phil Collins,.
Forget O'Reilly's fears of liberals saying "Happy Holidays" to each other. There was a real war on Christmas in this country and it was waged by those lovely people who.
Somewhat to my surprise this morning, I discovered that Conservapedia actually has an entry on the Pequot War. For you non-colonialists out there, the Pequot War was a war of.
The always useful site Executed Today details the execution of Thomas Granger, a Puritan executed on this day in 1642 for bestiality in Plymouth Colony. William Bradford's description of the case: Ther was a youth whose name was Thomas Granger; he was servant to an...