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March for Our Lives

In General
On March 24, 2018
As I type, the March for Our Lives is happening around the nation. People, led by the youth, are marching against American gun culture and our politicians responding to mass murders by facilitating more mass murders. I don't know what this will lead to. Nobody...

With Friends Like These

In General
On May 17, 2017
In yet another clear signal about the consequences of embracing strongmen: violence erupted at the Turkish embassy in DC yesterday, just after Turkish President Erdogan enjoyed his cozy White House visit. The clash involved pro- and anti-Erdogan groups. Turkish state media identified members of Erdogan’s...

The Resistance

On March 26, 2017

Weigel has a good summary of how grassroots resistance stopped TrumpCare. It wasn't a strategy coming out of Congressional Democrats. It was everyday people, getting in the streets, protesting, disrupting.

Keep Protesting!

On January 29, 2017

I spent the afternoon celebrating my birthday by protesting with about 2000 fellow Rhode Islanders in support of our Muslim and Latino comrades. Standing out there today, I realized that.

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