Progressive Foreign Policy

How could we keep you waiting with bated breath? Part II is now up. Get your Part I here.
The Senate overrode Trump's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act earlier today, by an 81-13 vote. Most of the chatter about the bill has focused on its provision to.

By Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0 I was recently interviewed by Uri Friedman, a national-security reporter at The Atlantic, about the evolution of Bernie Sanders' positions on foreign policy. As is.
I was on a panel about progressive foreign policy at CATO not that long ago. The video is up, if anyone’s curious. I speak last; that does, on this panel,.

Regular readers of Lawyers, Guns and Money will know that I've long argued that progressivism must be internationalist in orientation. Among other reasons, contemporary kleptocracy and oligarchy is transnational character..
Image by dbking [CC BY 2.0] Discussions of liberal orientations in U.S. foreign policy often quickly escalate into debates about the use of force, hypocrisy, and the status of "The.
I've been on a self-imposed blogging hiatus so that Alex Cooley and I could complete the first draft of our book. It's now with the publisher. While it will be.
This is a guest post by Jamie Mayerfeld, and not the first. Jamie originally put it up on his Facebook page. I asked if I.