prison labor
In the decade since I spent a year exploring the horrors of outsourcing for Out of Sight, nothing has happened to hold corporations accountable for using the most exploited possible.
How much prison labor goes into the making of your car? At the very least, until a few days ago if you were driving a Hyundai, the answer was likely.
Look, how can American capitalism survive without forced labor that allows companies to manufacture their products for peanuts? Nike and Coca-Cola are among the major companies and business groups lobbying.
Typical. And disgusting. From New Orleans. Sanitation workers aren't used to being on the back of pickup trucks.But that's where some were Friday after they say they were fired for.
On June 30, 1928, Alabama ended the leasing of convicts to mine coal. One of the most controversial practices in southern labor history, this was a significant step toward human.
Inmates from a La Fourche parish jail on a work release program fill giant sandbags in Port Fourchon, Louisiana May 11, 2010. U.S. Army National Guard troops were dropping the.
Good lord, this is disgusting. These are dangerous times for undocumented immigrants. ICE has been super-charged by the Trump administration. And ICE’s empowerment has been lucrative for the companies that.
When I wrote my New York Times op-ed in August about the prison strike, I was mildly surprised it was accepted so easily because I figured that someone who was.