Poverty rates in Massachusetts are now the highest since 1960. For Republicans, that news no doubt disappoints, since 1900 is more their goal. Luckily Charlie Baker is taking over at.
Andrew Sum, et al have a powerful report on the underemployed generation that is today's youth. Here's the whole report in PDF form. For young people with low levels of.
David Cameron: David Cameron says he is giving unemployed Britons “new hope and responsibility” by cutting their benefit payments and claims his welfare reforms are part of a “moral mission”.
The greatest war in American history turns 50 today. That's the War on Poverty. Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members of the House and Senate, my fellow Americans: I will be.
Jesse Jackson on Sesame Street, 1971. I especially like the line affirming those on welfare. Which I wish was still a relatively robust program, hey thanks Bill Clinton for making.
The poor wouldn't be poor if they stopped drinking/went to church/confirmed to my moral standards of the day. So I don't see why they should eat more than once a.
The Republican Party's primary mission is to punish the poor.
Only the greatest nation in human history could have a plutocracy of unbelievable wealth and endemic poverty that forces children to go hungry and reinforces gender and racial inequality.