The cops want to kill you with their guns and fists and they also want to kill you by giving you COVID. At least in Portland, looks like that's good.
In our conversations about the disaster that is American policing, one thing that is not coming up as often as it should is that the police should not be allowed.
We’ve seen an appropriate focus on the role of federal police from the Interior Ministry (and it’s not just me using that term, the Atlantic has obviously followed suit) in.
We ought to just assume, unless proven otherwise, that all police forces are either filled with actual, active fascists or that they are sympathetic to fascist aims. And that very.
Hey Portlandia, Quick reminder that there is an LGM meetup on Thursday evening. We are going to have dinner at 6:30 at Cha! Cha! Cha!, a Mexican restaurant at 5225.
I know what this is like, to be attacked by lunatics from around the country whipped up by frothing goat-molesting idiots: A Portland ice cream shop is bombarded with dozens.