TalkLeft has a roundup of the candidates' reactions.Here's Richardson: Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called on President Bush to force Musharraf to step down. Until then, Richardson said the U.S. must suspend military aid to the Pakistani government. "A leader has...
pakistan most of you probably know. The most obvious puzzle to this non-expert is how someone could get in a position to fire two shots at close range; the most.
Via Yglesias, China Hand has a pretty interesting post about China's influence over the Pakistani decision to crack down in Waziristan and at Lal Masjid:It was, after all, the provocative.
Well, we American lawyers have been put to shame by our peers in Pakistan. After President Pervez Musharraf (one of Bush's A#1 allies, don't forget) suspended the Constitution, dissolved the high courts, and got rid of private television media, the lawyers got mad. Despite being...