pain caucus
When both Rick Perry and Glenn Reynolds embrace an argument you know it's going to be uniquely stupid: RICK PERRY CALLS SOCIAL SECURITY A PONZI SCHEME. Well, I have heard.
Pelosi was apparently blindsided by the announcement of Obama's plan to cut Social Security as part of the ransom to end a hostage situation largely of his own making. Given.
If NY-26 has taught us anything, it's that it would take Mark Penn-level incompetence to screw up the political gift that even remotely marginal Republican legislators gave their prospective Democratic.
It's hard to get more Serious than Alan Simpson. Why, he's won trophies for his game face alone and he bowls overhand.
Since I've seen some discussion on the Twitter today about whether Reid should force a vote on the Ryan destroy-Medicare-to-finance-upper-class-tax-cuts program (answer: "hell, yes"), I thought I'd highlight what is.
Liberals are being informed that we need an "alternative" to the Ryan plan to demonstrate our fiscal seriousity. Well, I have one! It's the same as Cole's: The Ryan/GOP Plan,.
Shorter Fred Hiatt: We are disappointed that Barack Obama didn't boldly come out in favor for slashing Social Security for people younger than me. This leaves open the possibility that.