Discovered by @megmantis, this Oklahoma law, enacted in 1919 and amended as late as 1999: Any person in this state, who shall carry or cause to be carried, or publicly display any red flag or other emblem or banner, indicating disloyalty to the Government of...
It's Oklahoma, for its bill that would ban teachers from failing students if they turned in homework in biology or other classes that pushed creationist ideology. I suspect if I.
This is incredibly stupid, even for Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA CITY (WXYZ) - Last week the principal at Wilson Elementary in Oklahoma City elementary school made 5-year-old Cooper Barton turn his University.
I'm certainly not going to speak against Any Which Way You Can, which clearly provides the greatest chimp-Eastwood pairing we will ever see. And higher power of your choice knows that I would never say anything bad about a song written by Felice and Boudleaux...
So now that everyone is through with Clown Show 2: We Drop Our r's Edition, maybe we can get to a story that actually matters.* And I don't mean Clown.