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Pipelines vs. Trains

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On January 21, 2014
As another oil train is dangling over a railroad bridge in Philadelphia, some wonder whether pipelines or trains are better for transporting oil. The answer from available evidence in the United States seems that the difference is fairly negligible. Including major derailments in Alabama and...

Oil Pipelines

On January 16, 2014

It's possible that oil pipleines are a better way to transport the stuff than trains. But the wages of oil pipelines are severe. Ask the people of Mayflower, Arkansas, which.

Northern Man

On January 13, 2014

At least one Canadian is making sense about the nation's horrifically bad energy and environmental policies: Neil Young kicked off his four-date “Honour the Treaties” tour of Canada on Sunday.

Oil Trains

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On January 10, 2014
In my forthcoming book on capital mobility, I'm dedicating a chapter to energy production. It details how we can follow Americans' interest in the costs of energy production based upon whether Americans actually see energy being produced. When the Santa Barbara oil spill takes place...

Keystone XL Pipe Quality

In General
On August 22, 2013
Doesn't this just make you feel confident that the Keystone XL pipeline won't lead to horrible oil spills? Of course, it's not like the pipeline will run through any land endangered species rely upon or anything like that.

Destination Earth

On May 24, 2013

I love classic capitalist propaganda. Take for example, 1956's "Destination Earth." A cartoon produced by the American Petroleum Institute, it shows that oil + competition=getting rid of that dastardly Stalin.

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