Obama administration
Needless to say, I don't have much to add to Krugman and Rortybomb. The deal, once you accept that the cave-in on extending the Bush tax cuts was inevitable, was.
I'm not the kind of blogger to get furious about things like Obama's tax cut cave-in (unnecessary and wrong on the merits though it certainly is) very often because my.
Absolutely not. There's nothing particularly complex here. The DOJ has no legal obligation to do appeal the DADT ruling, and there's ample precedent for allowing a ruling of unconstitutionality to.
I have some wonky thoughts about the possibility that a Republican Congress would impeach Obama over at TAPPED. The answer: maybe! Given prior assumptions about presidential politics it's very unlikely,.
In response to reports that Tim Geithner is trying to scotch Elizabeth Warren's appointment to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (and presumably prefers someone who is sort of willing to.
Stephen Green asserts that to find a president criticizing the Supreme Court you have to go back to Old Hickory. (And his quote is actually apocryphal, although since it's "fake.
Neither did anything wrong.
CNN is reporting that Obama will ask Congress to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell legislation. Of course "asking" could mean everything from making this a legislative priority to engaging.