In keeping LGM's long history of pointless competition community building, let me announce the 2012 LGM Electoral Vote Challenge. To enter, create a map here, copy the unique URL (through.
What with all the claiming of credit for killing bin Laden and what not, has Obama forgotten the people who truly matter? Shed a tear for the executives at Lockheed.
I thought that Jon Chait's long article on leftist disappointment with Democratic Presidents was interesting, but that it succeeded in identification of such discontent without making much effort to explain.
In addition to declaring the month of March Irish American Heritage Month (because we didn't have enough positive attention?He needed to solidify the Irish Catholic vote?), Obama is to serve.
At least they weren't armed.
While most conservatives would be outraged if Barack Obama managed to win a blueberry pie at a 4H raffle, others would simply mutter and cluck their tongues out of feigned.
Ok, reader poll time: should we care that Barack Obama used cocaine as a teenager? My answer: no. It's totally irrelevant to his ability to lead this country. The only.