Russia's newest nuclear ballistic missile submarine will be named... wait for it.... wait for it.... the St. Nicholas. H/t Chet.
Bernard Finel handles the latest attack-Iran nonsense capably, but I'd like to supplement three points:Fabius Maximus refers to General Wald's post as part of a "years long project to start.
Congratulations of a sort are due India, which just launched its first nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The boat was built with Russian assistance, which makes sense because it kind of.
Geoffrey Forden is no longer convinced that North Korea detonated a nuclear device:Let us suppose, for the moment, that the DPRK actually did explode 2,500 tons of TNT instead of.
Speaking of Chiang Kai Shek, I have a short article up at Foreign Policy comparing the Chinese and (purported) Iranian nuclear weapon programs:Even the Soviet bloc worried that the Chinese.
Dick Destiny does the work. Via AG.
Fox News is reporting this morning that North Korea has declared the existence of its uranium program, and is threatening the weaponize its remaining plutonium. The New York Times confirms.
At this point, knowing that the North Koreans are facing hard limits on fissile material, wouldn't it make sense just to dare them to conduct additional nuclear tests?