Fred Kaplan and Pavel Podvig show Mitt Romney why it's a mistake to let the morons and fanatics at the Heritage Foundation write your op-eds for you....
This is pretty awesome. Playing as Argentina, I was caught only during the testing stage for my advanced plutonium device (presumably, I was testing near the FalklandsMalvinas). I did take.
Josh Pollack engages in a somewhat defensive dissent from the idea that Israel may have offered to sell nuclear weapons to South Africa. He argues that the documents do not.
This claim has appeared in a few other places, but apparently without the official sanction: Liu Chenshan, the author of a series of articles that chronicle the five times China.
Noah Shachtman notices what I noticed two weeks ago: The Obama administration is poised to take up one of the more dangerous and hare-brained schemes of the Rumsfeld-era Pentagon. The.
Strangely, when we hear claims that the Obama administration coddles enemies and scorns friends they never refer to concerns like this: Fresh from signing a strategic nuclear arms deal with.
This is an interesting notion that is unlikely to happen in anything but a very limited sense: France has offered to create a joint UK-French nuclear deterrent by sharing submarine.
Seems like progress, if sanctions on Iran are your thing: President Obama secured a promise from President Hu Jintao of China on Monday to join negotiations on a new package.