north korea
I have an article up at TAP on the prospect for negotiations with North Korea: An agreement with North Korea could happen in two ways. First, the United States and.
Global Times: Dialogue through artillery fire is rarely an effective means to settle a dispute. Robert Gates: I don't know the answer to any question about North Korea that begins.
This is mildly alarming: North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire on Tuesday after dozens of shells fired from the North struck a South Korean island near the countries’ disputed.
This is news: North Korea showed a visiting American nuclear scientist earlier this month a vast new facility it secretly and rapidly built to enrich uranium, confronting the Obama administration.
North Korea adds insult to injury:
Wow. And of course Ivory Coast now has strong incentive to try to beat the DPRK just as badly. While I suspect that concerns about the DPRK team suffering retribution.
Minxin Pei thinks that the Pyongyang regime is unlikely to survive a transition from Kim Jong Il to his son. While the prospects for a collapse of the North Korean.
See Geoff Forden on the typical damage profile of a modern torpedo, and how that relates to Cheonan.