I note that yesterday and today constitute the 196th anniversary of the burning of Washington, D.C. by the hated British. Since that time, not a single Anglican church has been.
In light of the news that Robert Gates will step down in 2011, I would like to announce my candidacy for the position of Secretary of Defense of the United.
I'm not sure that I've ever seen a less appropriate invocation of Gramsci.
Absolute monarchy is an institution that humanity never should have given up: After serving 12 years in the position, Motley, the official White House Jester, was beheaded Tuesday after delivering.
Seems pretty intuitive: The way you gain people's trust is to earn it over time by repeatedly proving that you deserve it. That, or grow a beard. A recent study.
Dear Customer, As someone who has purchased or rated books by Department of Defense, you might like to know that TM 9-1803A Engine and Engine Accessories, Willys Overland Model.
"Just imagine how incredibly dangerous that would be, for me, for the populace of wherever that is..."
Tennessee takes a stand against Leprechauns.