Jeebus: Niall Ferguson wanted opposition research on a student. Campus arguments over diversity and free speech are causing some distinguished academics to do extremely strange things. Ferguson, a historian affiliated with both Oxford and Stanford University and much celebrated for his books on the topics...
niall ferguson
Buried way too deep in this article about which horrifyingly awful Stanford professor would put together a conference where of the approximately 30 people presenting, all 30 were white men,.
Today, I play amateur historian. I'm not a pro, of course, though I did double major as an undergrad (history & pol sci). In this respect, I have a greater.
Is zero low enough?
Niall Ferguson on Newt Gingrich: I just read the transcripts of some lectures [Newt Gingrich] gave in the 1990s on “Renewing American Civilization.” They positively fizz with historical insights and.
Now that one of the great wankers of our era has turned out to be a serial adulterer as well, would it be possible for NPR to desist from quoting.