With an enormous amount of writing to do but three sporting events of interest, I decided to use the predictive powers for which I am justly famous and take my laptop to a cafe during the crappy-looking Colts/Chargers game -- bringing a radio to listen...
Dear Coach Holmgren,I agree that it would really be nice if Shaun Alexander was still an NFL-caliber running back. But he's not. What could possibly compel you to give the.
There's probably not much point in detailed explanations for each game, because my take mirrors the consensus so closely. I don't see either AFC game as being competitive, and don't.
Guaranteed between 0-100% accurate!Washington v. Seattle. The Seahawks are a little tough to evaluate because their schedule was so bad, but since they've won 3 playoff games in two years I'm not terribly worried about it. I know the Redskins are motivated by tragedy, but...
Admittedly, despite the lack of overarching historical significance yesterday where exciting comebacks are concerned I was more emotionally invested in the Flames' later one against what in terms of its.
The Patriots are, uh... pretty good.You heard it here first.