Why should a corporation be allowed to move its factories wherever it wants? Take General Electric, who is moving its Ford Edward, New York production to (ironically) Clearwater, Florida. In response to this threatened closing, UE plans an extensive campaign of action and community outreach....
New York
Cool article on the 1913 barbers' strike in New York, which led to the reduction of barbers' workweeks from 92(!!!) hours to a mere 62 with Sunday off. I may.
This is one way environmental racism works. Cleaning up the Gowanus Canal in New York? A good thing. Taking the nasty stuff from one wealthy white area of Brooklyn and.
The gun industry's response to the call for stricter gun laws after mass murder after mass murder (see today among others) is outrageous and awful. Lawmakers are proposing, among other things, to limit firearm sales to one per person per month; to require background checks...
This was a really hard list to put together. The bench in New York is probably deeper than any other state in the nation. 1. Franklin Roosevelt--our second greatest president..