New York politics
According to MSNBC, Hoffman has conceded.......further confirmation. Obviously, this is excellent news for the Republican Party....No, really! Erickson really does offer some of the finest comedy on the intertubes......why Owens.
A definitive history.
It's not suprising how the interests line up, but here's a good account of why New York's irrational policy of banning wine sales in grocery stores remains in place. apparently Tom Golisano, who didn't like the fact that New York state tax polcies weren't being constructed for his personal benefit:Mr. Golisano, a billionaire business executive, had spent heavily.
This kind of reform of draconian drug laws is, admittedly, a second best option. lower maximum sentences along with the treatment option would be preferable. Just increasing judicial discretion doesn't.
I've often remarked that the New York Times non-news sections too often present the implication that their audience is made up primarily of multimillionaires. One of the worst examples I.
NY politics maven Julia has more. If I read her correctly, although my framing was more negative (and my title may have -- like some others -- implied that I.
Apparently, the extra days to deliberate didn't do Paterson much good, as he has apparently made a very poor selection to fill New York's vacant Senate seat. Her Republican dynastic.