new york city
This selection from New York Police Chief George Matsell's Vocabulum, or the Rogue’s Lexicon, a collection of criminal slang, is amazing. It's available here in its entirety. Here are some.
I'd call Emily Douglas' response to DeBlasio's victory over Christine Quinn in yesterday's New York City mayoral primary a bit unfortunate, if understandable to an extent. Even though it's pretty.
Major bummer that the Worldport at JFK is going to be demolished. I suppose it was pretty well inevitable given the space considerations at the airport, but it's a pretty.
Cool article on the 1913 barbers' strike in New York, which led to the reduction of barbers' workweeks from 92(!!!) hours to a mere 62 with Sunday off. I may.
I found these proposals to re-reengineer New York City pretty interesting. Essentially there are 3--create marshlands on the edge of Manhattan to serve as a buffer against rising sea levels.
Is Michael Bloomberg starring in a new version of 1984 on Broadway? If so, this would be a good poster for the play. What, you mean this is a serious.