new jersey
With Jim Florio's death, it's worth remembering why he lost his position as governor of New Jersey: But two months after taking office in January 1990 he proposed a budget.
One of the ways that corporations move catastrophe around is finding the least empowered communities to dump toxic waste and other pollution. I mean this quite literally--there is a ton.

What COVID is doing with education, both K-12 and higher ed, is bringing neoliberalism's chickens home to roost. Decades of decreasing state investment, the encouragement of private fundraising and "entrepreneurship,".
It's hard to imagine a more textbook example of how white supremacy operates in the U.S. than this. Lake Solitude it was not.For years, the 35-acre picturesque lake, waterfall and.
Your Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey-02: “What diversity has become, it’s an excuse by Democrats, communists and socialists, basically, to say that we’re not all created equal, that.
Housing and school segregation are of course deeply related. But if you think fighting de facto segregation in education is tough--just look at LGM comment threads anytime the white privilege.
On November 26, 1910, a factory building in Newark, New Jersey caught on fire, killing 25 textile workers. This should have been a call to arms for workplace safety reform,.
On March 10, 1925, the New York Times first reported the story of the so-called Radium Girls, as U.S. Radium Company employee Marguerite Carlough had sued her employer for $75,000.