NCAA football
I have created an LGM College Bowl Mania League. First place wins a nifty prize.League Name: Lawyers, Guns and MoneyPassword: zevon
So I find this interesting (no link, but you can find state by state data here):Setting aside the utterly unscientific nature of such polls, I'm mildly surprised by the Ducks'.
You know, the world would be a better place if Joseph C. Avery had never left Pennsylvania.
Go Ducks, go Phils, go have a safe and happy Halloween!Open thread for all three...
Holy crap. Not only did we not break Oregon State's hallowed PAC-10 record of futility, thanks to Idaho (for whom one of my future brothers-in-law works for), but on the.
Washington 23 - 31 LSUUnlike my colleague Dr. Farley, I will not be blogging much on the (American) football program of my alma mater. (Perhaps it's because we suck?) I.
Godspeed.Mike Bellotti is stepping down as Oregon's football coach to become the school's athletic director, and offensive coordinator Chip Kelly will be promoted to head coach.Bellotti, who has coached the.
This is funny. However, I feel confident in asserting that the AutoZone Liberty Bowl was substantially superior in this respect to the Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl, where UK played.