Image by Firdavs Kulolov, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Foreign Affairs ran an "expert poll" on the question of whether "NATO enlargement was a mistake." Someone decided, for reasons that I expect.
Ukraine and Breakaway Regions | Image via the Financial Times Some U.S. officials are very worried that Russia is preparing a new offensive against Ukraine. The major reason, of course,.
Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0 Jeffery Stacey and I have a new piece in Foreign Affairs called "Fear of Trump’s Populism Might Save American Alliances." Our basic argument is that:.
If Pompeo sounds like he's trying to gaslight the world, it's probably because he.
We need a formal name for the notion that, over time, Trump's behavior tends toward being indistinguishable from that of someone working on behalf of Moscow. It seems like more.
I had an exchange with a friend earlier today. They suggested that NATO's case of the Trumps is terminal. I disagreed,.
Josh Rogin write in the Washington Post that: Trump has been publicly trashing the E.U. and NATO since his campaign, but the pace and viciousness of his attacks have increased..
Scott Gilmore, writing in Maclean's recommends that American allies use, in effect, targeted sanctions against the President of the United States. These efforts, like the diplomatic strategies before now, will not.