Native Americans
C. Joseph Genetin-Pilawa's piece on Seneca tribal member and Union officer Ely Parker is pretty interesting, but the real kicker is at the end. For we completely erase Native Americans.
The National Congress of American Indians recently put out this image in response to those who don't think sports teams with Native American logos are offensive. I understand that people.
What's more important, Kiowa sacred spaces or the whims of a mining capitalist who wants to tear up a sacred Kiowa mountain in order to mine limestone? I think we.
Good on Slate for joining other news organizations in refusing to use the given name of the Washington football club. I do disagree with David Plotz about what he calls.
In our stories about racial oppression in the United States, Native Americans aren't forgotten, but the legal details of how the government have denied Native American rights usually are ignored..
This is a great overview of attempts to suppress the Native American vote after they received full citizenship rights in 1924. In short, they were treated by western states not.
I've talked about both the history of the Dawes Act and the private ownership of the Wounded Knee Massacre site by someone who is threatening to develop it. Here's a.
When we think of the Republican Party in its early years, we often think of it as a party of freedom because it opposed slavery. But that's way too simplistic.