national security
Another day, another corrupt Trump loyalist gets access to the nation's most important secrets. President Donald Trump’s new acting intelligence director, Richard Grenell, used to do consulting work on behalf.
Trump just announced that the United States.
Some additional thoughts on the Holder speech: 1. I'm generally in agreement with Adam/Marcy/Scott/ et al regarding the question of due process and judicial oversight in the targeting process To be sure, there could be contexts in which a situation is so critical that the...
The first of the two tag clouds you see to the left is Obama's 2010 National Security Strategy according to Wordle. The second of the two tag clouds you see.
One of my former students now working at the GAO helped produce this report. Nice to know there's some point to it all... Watch CBS News Videos Online
This is in the fresh issue of Strategic Studies Quarterly. (HT to MacGregor Eddy.) In sum: America’s nuclear security can rest easily on a relatively small number of counterforce and countervalue weapons totaling just over 300. Moreover, it does not matter if Russia, who is...
Finally had a look at the 2010 QDR on the plane to New Orleans yesterday. I don’t mean to poke fun of our defense establishment’s hard work. I promise I’ll.