national review
If fascism wasn't haunting our lives, I'd laugh more at this NRO freakout about rising socialism that evidently I am causing as a professor because apparently I can't get my.
With a blog post title like this, I confess that there are lots of stupid conservative talking points. But the winner is "derp, modern Democrats are the real racists because.
Rich Lowry decided to review Selma. Naturally, his review was "that was then, this is now, and obviously the racist suppression of the black vote in 2015 has absolutely no.
We all know Kevin Williamson is a horrible human being and there's really no good reason to link to his trolling of liberals. And so normally I wouldn't mention his.
Mr. Rich Lowry: Needless to say, no one at National Review shares Derb’s appalling view of what parents supposedly should tell their kids about blacks in this instantly notorious piece.
Stephen Walt, following a rundown of ten "scary monsters" of foreign policy:First, we are often told that international politics is a dangerous business, and that it makes sense to prepare.
K-Lo:I cringe — like many of us — when I read that the shoe-thrower may have been beaten in prison. For p.r. if nothing else, guys! But another wrong does.
Andy McCarthy:Thousands of American lives and hundreds of billions in taxpayer funds have been expended to provide Iraqis the opportunity to live freely. And this despite the facts that (a).