music notes
Might as well have a short musical discussion here. Not much going on in the music world right now with the holidays, but we are here. Jimmy Carter probably had.
The big loss in music this week was that of Zakir Hussain, dead at 73. I had a few chances to see the great tabla player here and there but.
Being in Mexico, I don't have any shows to talk about right now, but that doesn't mean music isn't still a central part of my life. In a different moment,.
So, writing on this website has led to a lot of good things in my life, from providing the material for my books to getting recognition as a labor historian..
I saw two shows this week, both before the election, so I could actually enjoy them. The first was Allen Lowe and the Constant Sorrow Orchestra, at Firehouse 12 in.
The big music news for me recently was seeing Sunny Sweeney in North Andover, Massachusetts. Sweeney is probably best known for hosting some of the country shows on Sirius XM..
My big music news was seeing John Moreland at the Wonder Ballroom in Portland last week. It was my 4th time seeing Moreland, but the first time since 2017. He's.
Well this was cool. I have been in Eugene the last few weeks with family and this is not a great music town. In fact, Bend has significantly surpassed Eugene.