This week I'm taking us back to another "sexy" song that has endured since the early 90's. This time from every teenage boy's favorite rock band before circa 2003: Nine.
Based upon yesterday's events, let me turn it over to Special LGM Monarchy Correspondent Thomas Paine: But it is not so much the absurdity as the evil of hereditary succession.
Is Caligula misunderstood? Scott Mclemee reviews Aloys Winterling's efforts in this regard: But what if all of these claims about Caligula were wrong, or at least overblown? What if he.
Fail: Centuries of British royal discrimination came to an end Friday after Commonwealth leaders agreed to drop rules that give sons precedence as heir to the throne and bar anyone in line.
Fascinating account of the archaeological investigation of the Battle of Towton. "Nasty, Brutish, and not that Short" is really a fabulous title for an article. I wonder which side the Farleys fought.
As a child of a constitutional democracy, I would first of all like to dissociate myself from Matt's claim that "[w]e [what do you mean we, white man? --ed.] follow.