Most of us have seen this, but I still find it fantastic that Romney wasn't adequately prepared for his trip to London. 聽Let's see, travel to London on the literal eve of the 2012 Olympic games hosted by the same, and make some disparaging remarks...
mittens romney
I'm not sure I'm the appropriate target for this anti-Romney hate spam, but I'll dutifully pass along: While rhetorician Mitt Romney charms his way through the 2012 Presidential Campaign, he.
Shame on Ian for accurately quoting Robert Bork's views; as Republicans have been reminding us for decades, doing this to The Greatest Legal Mind There Absolutely Ever Was is an.
Fred Kaplan and Pavel Podvig show Mitt Romney why it's a mistake to let the morons and fanatics at the Heritage Foundation write your op-eds for you....
Jon Huntsman certainly has an interesting strategy for making it through the 2012 GOP primary; it seems to be based on the assumption that the Palin-Huckabee-Jindal crazy wing of the.
The good news is that "two GOP sources" have allegedly said that Mitt Romney will be McCain's pick. The bad news is that the news comes from Mark Halperin, so.
I, for one, hope McCain takes this advice...