michael gerson
Michael Gerson: from war criminal to taking about the need to be "woke" about American history. I'm not real sure what to do with this. But hey, I guess you.
I don't really have to say anything about Michael Gerson's column (ht -- I guess -- to Atrios), because Kay Steiger pre-emptively gave the definitive response while discussing another recent.
Bob Somerby notes Michael Gerson once again repeating the Myth of Bob Casey, blubbering about Casey Sr. being "banned from speaking to the Democratic convention for the heresy of being pro-life" without mentioning that Casey refused to endorse the Democratic ticket. (Not that I think...
As a follow-up to the point that Mike Huckabee's noblesse oblige rhetoric is not terribly meaningful given that his only significant domestic policy proposal is a massively regressive tax cut,.