Lawyers, Guns and Money continues to struggle for mainstream respectability. Here is our six seven-part plan for entering the "MSM:" Sell posting space to the Church of Scientology or religious.
Happy New Year! Stay safe! 2012 LGM in Numbers*: Posts: 2723 Comments: 163,243 Visits: 3,934,352 Unique Visitors: 803,173 Pageviews: 7,459,130 Top Ten Posts of the Year: The Two American Flags.
So, it seems like there was a hippie punching party and nobody invited me. Two thoughts: 1. The term "hippie punching," while satisfying in an @OldHossRadbourn "Beat the Irish" kind.
On behalf of Lawyers, Guns and Money, let me wish a very happy fifth birthday to the Monkey Cage. John Sides and company have done a wonderful job of bringing.
David Axe profiles Information Dissemination: Still, 14,000 daily readers and the power to influence the Navy ain’t bad for a blog that began in 2007 almost by accident. The way.
At 10am I suspect that the internets are going to have a moment:
Drezner FTW: Pro tip: when one side complains that the other side is "playing politics" on an issue, it usually means they've lost the argument. Badly. In completely unrelated news,.
There seems to be a new book out about how to succeed as a political blogger. Kevin Drum provides somewhat less than insightful guidance: You have to enjoy writing. You.