Are you the kind of deviant who has always wanted to festoon your home with pictures of a cat attempting to copulate with a muppet? Your search is over; LGM now carries of wide range of cat-attempting-to-copulate-with-a-muppet related products.Are you a wanna-be-hipster who has tired...
It's surely highly-paid TV pundits who are completely obsessed with bizarrely involuted meta-critiques of politics as infotainment theater.Yglesias is spot on regarding this, but I think what he's saying can.
I can proudly say that I have visited the Flophouse, and even more proudly say that I got drunk there and broke a chair. My wife broke a lamp. If.
Some thoughts on this comment thread:DJW is absolutely correct to follow up Matt's condemnation of Dawkins statement on Catholicism. It isn't just illiberal; it's virtually totalitarian. Dawkins is, essentially, arguing that raising children as Catholic is worse than sexually abusing them. Since we all agree...