Some amusing nastiness from James Wolcott, on the development of the next hit reality TV show, tentatively entitled Reality. Like soul brother Beck, Sarah Palin has moonshot herself into a.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cSpecial Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Callingwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care CrisisHear, hear. About time the fake news outlets took.
Bad, but hardly surprising: The Kremlin controls much of the Russian media, and Putin occasionally meets with friendly groups of senior journalists to answer questions and guide news coverage.... The.
I think this is the key part of Greenwald's post about Gregory replacing OberMatthews:Finally, and perhaps most notably of all, Olbermann's role as anchor somehow destroys the journalistic brand of.
The Guardian is reporting that Heinz has been forced to pull this television ad in response to viewer complaints.From the Guardian:The Heinz Deli Mayo ad has been pulled after less.
I can't say I'm sorry I missed this.
Following up on D, Axe has perhaps taken it to a new misogynistic low with their newest add (and here you didn't think they could go any lower). Behold:As Jezebel.