For the latest LGM podcast, I interview J.L. Anderson of Mount Royal University about his recent book Capitalist Pigs: Pigs, Pork, and Power in America. This is a great overview.
I find is absolutely astounding that for the utterly insane number of chickens this country raises for meat, to the point that the conditions for them are an utter atrocity,.
This is a pretty interesting article about Utah's new cage-free law for chickens, which Jan Dutkiewicz writes in The New Republic might in fact be counterproductive. That's because the law.
I love/hate this so much. James Blunt developed scurvy after adopting an all-meat diet to assert his masculinity — Jezebel (@Jezebel) August 20, 2020 Men have issues. Serious.
One thing COVID-19 has done is make it a good time to discuss America's ridiculous obsession with meat. The terrible conditions of the meatpacking plants that long predate the pandemic,.
Chicago stockyards, 1909 It's not just that our meatpacking system is a crime against both animal and humanity long before COVID-19. It's that the idea of going a day without.
I am soon returning to East Coast Exile, reality, and regular blogging. Until then, this. 1980's Soviet Estonian TV ad for minced chicken meat by filmmaker Harry Egipt. A vegetarian's.
Hmmm.... Since the popularization of beef tartare in the 1950s and sushi in the 1980s, raw animal products have been a widely accepted luxury item in the US. But historically,.