mark penn Union Buster (TM)
Tired of other greasy conservative hacks who once worked for Democrats getting all the attention, Mark Penn, Union Buster (TM) has decided to share his remarkable insight with us. What.
Think the BP's massive oil spill and the ensuing massive environmental and economic catastrophe represents a difficult problem? Obviously, you haven't yet heard the solution posed by Mark Penn, Union.
Mark Penn has uncovered an excuse for blowing huge institutional advantages in the Democratic primary, wondering what would have happened if John Edwards hadn't run. Myself, I think the more.
Mark Penn has a follow-up to the post that Rob made fun of earlier. And it gets worse. Remember, there are people who pay money to this guy to compile.
Perhaps the most puzzling phenomenon of the Democratic primary campaign was the frequently heard argument that the candidate of Mark Penn would be the one most likely to advance a.
I'm sure you've been waiting with bated breath to see which wholly arbitrary subdivision of the center-right white bourgeoisie Mark Penn would invent this year and claim requires the maximum.
One wonders how differently the primaries would have played out if Hillary Clinton had done what it took the Colombian government much less time to figure out how to do...
Ezra and The World's Most Dangerous Professor get in some shots before the plug is officially pulled. And, indeed, the late Penn/Ickes era of strategery is pretty much begging for.