Looking forward to baseball, and remembering Dave Niehaus.
I've been paying a lot of attention to this, and like Rob, I'm delighted -- even though it's a rare deal within the same division. This seems to be a.
I, for one, am delighted by the decision to trade a bag of moldy Fritos for Milton Bradley. I appreciate that Bradley rather goes beyond the typical "difficult player" tag,.
Yeah, there are better players out there, but it's still another remarkable accomplishment by a remarkable player. Zumsteg, before the fact:--I would love to see Ichiro! get his 2,000th MLB.
Like Neyer, and unlike the Daves Brockington and Cameron, I'm inclined to think that the Wilson/Snell trade is a good one for the Mariners. (In fairness, neither of them knew.
Wilson and Snell to Seattle; Clement, Cedeno, Pribanic, Lorin and Adcock to Pittsburgh.I'm now no longer sure that Jack Z. can cure cancer, solve the Middle East, or work out.
Perhaps Scott will have something to say about this deal from the other side. I've got some mixed feelings about it, but I think it's a small net positive for.
Dave Cameron asserts that the Bedard-for-pretty-much-every-decent-prospect-the-Mariners-have-recently-produced deal is "[i]n terms of results...easily the worst trade in franchise history." As stated, I think this is clearly wrong. Jones had a pretty.