From around the inter-tubes...Dan Nexon vets Stephen Walt's Top Ten Lessons of EmpireMr. Trend rounds up news from Latin AmericaDrezner wonders why Khameinei doesn't seem to have any proxies.I have never, ever, even for a moment, doubted that Jarrod Washburn is worth every penny that...
Random linkage in lieu of substantive blogging:Stephen Biddle on AfghanistanHow did Admiral Motti rise to that rank?Ethiopia-Eritrea proxy war in Somalia.Teaching history in Texas public schools is, well, ahistorical.Trend should.
From around the internets:Kris Alexander reminds us that we're well past the stage when we need to worry about a conventional threat from North Korea. Josh Keating notes that the.
Some stuff to link to before it slips through the cracks:Erik Loomis talks water policy.Galrahn goes meta.Trend dwells a bit on FARC.David Axe thinks about the Iraqi Navy.Jason Sigger notes that Chuckie Dunlap continues to bring the crazy.PTJ pays too much attention to American Power.MSS...