Some links for your reading pleasure: Watching the inter-agency debate over responsibility for Afghanistan play out should be very interesting. Income inequality and democratic militarism. 155th article on which part.
Cleaning out the ol' Google Reader... Stephen Walt lists "Five Inconvenient Truths" that he wishes American policymakers would tell. See also Walt for a tribute to the late Glenn Snyder..
You'll note that we have a permalink to the podcast feed in the near right sidebar, just above the Donate button. That's really a placeholder until I figure out a.
Some links for your Tuesday: I think that Coach Cal comes off fabulously well here. The article is particularly good on the time horizons problem; coaches/owners/administrators will always have a.
Apologies for so many of these; wrapping up the book (again), article proofs, consulting work, etc. But you remain my Nth love... Hugo Chavez and flattery inflation. What child soldiering.
Stuff of note: David Axe on how stealth aircraft stay off the radar. Dan Nexon on flexibility and constraint in hegemonic orders. "How many of these fucking Kagans are there?".
Stuff of interest: Air Force looking forward to 6th Generation fighter. My money is on a UAV. Bernstein on when to ignore polls. Wonkbook supplies a bunch of data on.
A bleak sun dawned today over a brutal, unforgiving world. Matt Fay brutalizes Max Boot on the issue of missile defense. More on this later. Nukey nukey! Best tool I've.