LGM in other media
I had the honor on Monday of Blogging Heads with Professor John Mueller, Woody Hayes Chair of National Security Studies at the Mershon Center at THE Ohio State University. The.
I have some more missile defense thoughts at Guardian: Comment is Free. See also Bryan McGrath on what this means for sea-based missile defense.
In addition to my duties at LGM, I will now periodically be blogging at Information Dissemination. The focus there will be more maritime oriented, and a bit more policy wonkish.
After three fine years, I have left TAPPED, more or less by mutual agreement*. It was an honor to write daily for the American Prospect, and I hope to publish.
I have some musings on the latest US-Russia spat at the Guardian:CIF. While doing a bit of "research" for the piece, I read the wiki entry on A Taste of.
Yoav Gortzak and I have a piece on piracy and the European Union up at Foreign Policy.
Jim Pinkerton and I recorded a diavlog last week; he asked a lot of good questions and let me do most of the talking. Unfortunately, we spoke before the Couric.
For any of our loyal Delaware listeners, I'll be appearing on WDEL in about an hour or so (~5:30 EST) to talk about You Know Who.