LGM film club
Since we are talking about police violence these days, here's a film produced by the Illinois Labor History Society, I assume in the 60s, about the Memorial Day Massacre of.
I don't really know where this is from, but this is a 2 minute clip on yellow fever prevention in Colombia, sometime in the 70s. Spray those chemicals! It's an.
Tonight's film is the 1935 Duke Ellington vehicle Symphony in Black: A Rhapsody of Negro Life. Directed by Fred Waller, who was a director of short films, it highlights Ellington's.
On the Criterion Channel right now, you can watch a series of films by and about women. Called "Tell Me: Women Filmmakers, Women's Stories," it's around 25 films, mostly but.
One of our richer film collections is of rock stars being jerks. And therefore, I think it is well worth our time to watch this Lou Reed interview from 1975.
I rewatched Anatomy of a Murder the other night. It's such a great film. Otto Preminger directed it and managed to get into difficult topics so directly that it feels.
There are so many amazing clips of the last century plus of filmed material online and the news sucks so bad these days that I thought it would be a.