LGM film club
Many of you have not been fortunate enough to live in the Pacific Northwest. If you grew up there like I did, one thing you are very familiar with is.
This 1950 propaganda film by the American Meat Institute, a pure and beautiful example of meat industry propaganda, rides that fine line of both boring and awesome at the same..
In the "Let's Make a Sandwich" thread the other day, someone brought up Dream of a Rarebit Fiend, the absolutely bonkers 1906 film about someone who eats too much Welsh.
What would make more sense for a day of fundraising than a video of classic fundraising? If you don't give us an appropriate amount of money, this series is going.
Tonight's entry is this more than slightly terrifying 1993 Canadian PSA. What's really notable about this, other than the horrifying puppets in your face and of course the potential to.
It's been a busy week for sandwich talk at LGM and across the internet. But have we acknowledged our foremothers and the sandwich-based media of the past? We have not!.
Tonight's film is something I dug up the other day. In 1986, TWA flight attendants went on strike when scumbag venture capitalist Carl Icahn bought the company and mandated a.
In the thread on cop media from a couple of days ago, a few people in comments mentioned how cops in early films were not portrayed as heroes, but rather.