LGM film club
Hey, I was checking out this Peter Thiel biopic and thought you might want to check it out too. Is his employee J.D. Vance out finding new victims in REAL.
Tonight's film is Jean Vigo's 1930 release À Propos de Nice. Nominally a street scene type of late silent, as time goes on it moves into both the more experimental,.
I am surprised that I've gotten this far into the series without exploring Soviet film, which I love very much. I love most of your leftist agitprop, even bad versions..
This MGM-produced travel film from 1942 focuses on the ways and life of western North Carolina. It's an interesting view into what might appeal to travelers at a time when.
It probably doesn't surprise you to know that I am a big fan of the workplace safety film. The genre doesn't get much better than this. I don't want to.
I've been on my first grave-gathering trip in the COVID era the last couple of days. And let me tell you, it feels good to be away from home. I've.
This 1946 General Electric film is an attempt to get rural communities to invest in building or expanding their electric supply infrastructure. I'm not going to lie--this is pretty boring..
Building on my podcast last week with Jarod Roll, his book discusses briefly a 1940 film called Men and Dust. This is a leftist film about the life of the.