LGM film club
In 1955, the great documentarian Albert Maysles traveled around the Soviet Union visiting mental hospitals. It became his first film and here it is for you, albeit not the greatest.
I watched Abbas Kiarostami's brilliant 1990 film Close-Up the other night. I saw this probably 20 years ago and wasn't in a place to get it I guess. I thought.
This 1953 short is an absolutely outstanding satire of early television and the chaos it brought to households and neighborhoods. That's a first rate late film cameo! This was also.
Tonight's film club is the 1931 short Hot News Margie, starring Marjorie Beebe, who was a minor comedic star in the late 20s through the mid 30s. This is a.
I recently rewatched the extraordinary 1961 film The Exiles, directed by Kent MacKenzie. He got to know the Native community living in Los Angeles and shot a film about them,.
Happy Bastille Day you cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Enjoy this film from 1938 about the French military. I think we can all agree that this impressive display of force would be.
Wow, yet another film about work. Shocking I know. This is part of a 1978 BBC series looking at a week in the life of various groups of people in.
Tonight's film is 1893's "Blacksmith Scene," which I believe is the first film recording of work in history. Of course it is staged work, but still. It's an interesting minute.