LGM film club
Yasujiro Ozu is one of my favorite all-time directors, but I confess that I haven't watched many of his classic films in recent years. The only film I of his.
I've never really gotten the appeal of Jean Harlow. Every movie she was in centered around her beauty, but I don't get it. I also don't think she was a.
Some of you might not be watching football, so here's a different topic that I know moves the LGM commentariat--contemporary Chinese film. And nope. you ain't getting an open thread..
Margareth Olin is a well-known director in Norway but her films have gotten almost no play in the United States. But her new one has. Songs of Earth is a.
The Fall Guy did not do so well at the box office and that's too bad, because it is really is pretty damn entertaining. It's amazing what happens when Hollywood.
There's no way to describe this 1907 film as anything less than horrifyingly awesome. I can't believe I haven't used it before. I used to show this students just to.
Tonight's Film Club entry builds on the last one and looks at another early 30s film of Constance Bennett. Gregory LaCava directed Bed of Roses, which was released in 1933..
In one way, George Cukor's 1932's What Price Hollywood? is a ridiculous film that reinforced stereotypes of Hollywood. Constance Bennett stars as a waitress who gets discovered in a diner.