LGM film club
I'm not saying this is the best work Richard Pryor ever did, but his bit on working in a mob-owned club in Youngstown does include some outstanding impressions of those.
I've been occasionally revisiting Woody Allen's best films after quite awhile off. I've long been on the record about not making my decisions about what art to enjoy based on.
I hadn't seen Mario Monicelli's 1963 film The Organizer in years. I remembered loving it but hadn't seen since I initially watched it. And yeah, it's great. Starring Marcello Mastroianni.
For blog-based reasons that will become clear soon enough, I had reason to go back and watch some of Terrence Malick's films. Badlands and The Thin Red Line are big.
I've been having my annual rewatch of some of my favorite films and enjoying it as much always. One film I watched that I hadn't seen in many years was.
Tomorrow is my birthday (51, wtf?) and every year around now, I spend like a month or so watching a bunch of my favorite movies. I really need it right.
I went back to one of my all-time favorites, Nicholas Ray's 1951 film On Dangerous Ground. It's not a perfect film by any means. But in the first half-hour, Robert.
We started 2025 in this series with Radu Jude's Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, a brilliant, if messy, satire of modern Romania through the eyes of a teacher whose.