
Another very fine Bouie column from last week is worth discussing. That's because he nails the real reason for a lot of Democratic struggles. No, it's not the progressive wing.
There's no question that the biggest failure of both the Biden campaign and the media in 2020 was on Latinos. Biden didn't put much energy into these voters and it.
I've never been comfortable with the "LatinX" term. I recognize that Spanish is a gendered language. And I recognize that this complicates things for transgender people. But a bunch of.
One of the biggest problems we face in our national conversation about race has been front and center of late. It's that we speak of it as almost an exclusively.
Democrats like to think that demographics are destiny. But that's not true, as we should know by now. Part of that is the idea that the Latino vote is going.
At least 6 Democratic senators are outraged by Department of Labor cuts because they will kill Latinos on the job. The senators argued the two resolutions that have already passed.
I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but one that I do like is Gravy, the podcast of the Southern Foodways Alliance. This podcast on how the chicken industry.
An excellent survey of how the Republican justices gutting the Voting Rights Act and the aggressive southern Republican attempt to intimidate voters of color and to game the system so.